Why I'm not using Quickbooks

I own Quickbooks. I bought Quickbooks edition 1998, and upgraded to 2000, 2002, and 2004.
I own all sorts of "Tips and Tricks" books on Quickbooks.
I teach my entrepreneurship students how to use Quickbooks, and recommend it to my start-up clients.
So why am I not using Quickbooks?
Because the process sucks. Here's my story:
I needed to send out a few invoices - and I finally had rid myself of my desktop. I had moved everything over to my Vista laptop a while ago. I just had never tested Quickbooks 2004.
Crashed. Reinstall. Crash. Google. Not Vista compatable, sometimes. Crash.
Decide to upgrade.
Upgrade box on website requires longer number than my number.
Call. 45 minutes. Lots of "absolutely sir, can you hold a few more minutes."
Call center guy: "Upgrade is only $189.99, regularly $209.99"
"But your website says the regular price is $189.99?"
Call center guy: "But this is for an automatic download plus the backup CD."
"I can get this on Amazon right now for $169"
Call center guy: "Hold sir." ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "I can sell it to you for $169"
We do the deal. Phone number, credit card, email. Lot's of "can you repeat that."
Call center guy: "I'm sorry, but this price is only for the automatic download."
Call center guy: "And now I give you your free one month trial to our support. In 30 days your credit card will be charged $29.99 a month."
Saying "No, no, no. I don't want that."
Call center guy: "But you can cancel."
10 minutes of polite arguing.
End up agreeing to it.
I try to download. Not Firefox compatible. Try with IE. Oops, not Google tool bar or any download manager. Find link for direct download.
25 minute download - 500+gig
Crash. Error c=343
Clean registry, uninstall previous version, clean registry again, reboot, reinstall.
Error c=343
Google. Apply solution. Crash.
Call tech support.
Automated Girl from Hell: "Your average wait time is 30 minutes."
Put on speaker phone. Do other work. Afraid to leave office for bathroom breaks.
55 minutes later, still on hold, hang up and leave for a meeting.
Connect at 4pm later that day.
Explain, crash, re-apply solution, reinstall, crash, escalate, explain, crash.
I finally just canceled my order - and it appears my card was never charged. We'll see if I get charged for tech support. Surprisingly, this was the easiest thing to do all day.
I ended up installing my 2004 version on my wifes laptop... took me 10 minutes to print invoices. I'll use her computer a few times a month. A hassle, but not worth $189 and a day of my life to work around.

Why their process sucks is that they are not following through. They need to make sure that what happens never happens to anyone else. EVER.
It's O.K. that my experience with Quickbooks sucked. I still love their software, will still teach students and recommend it to clients. Just not as enthusiastically.
Price and Jaffe argue that the best companies take experiences like mine and use them as an opportunity to improve their products, their customer knowledge, and strengthen relationships.
I doubt I'll hear from anyone at Quickbooks.
July 11, 2008 at 11:14 AM
QuickBooks is awful. Thanks to the courts telling Microsoft not to compete hard in this space, Intuit basically has a monopoly, and they exploit that to deliver the worst possible products and services at the highest possible prices year after year.
July 11, 2008 at 11:22 AM
What kills me is that I love the product - and recommend it to start ups.
What I don't like is the customer support experience, and how hard it is to buy, install and use...
October 2, 2009 at 6:05 PM
Have you ever heard of Total Office Manager? Maybe you should give them a try. They have excellent customer support. And they are dedicated to customer satisfaction. They even provide custom programming for their users.
August 17, 2010 at 11:02 AM
Total office managers support is better but you always have to leave messages for them to call you back. If you do get someone it's not usually someone that can help you, just someone taking messages.